Web Development

Website Design & Development

Mobile Responsive Web Design

We help you create a great first impression, a lasting positive impression on your visitors. Our creative team will work with you to produce exquisite graphics that appeal to your audience. We will then use our development team to transform the design into compatible code with easy and user-friendly navigation using the latest development technologies available like HTML5, Bootstrap, jQuery Mobile, JavaScript, CSS3, XML, PHP etc. We also create responsive websites so you have a streamlined development for desktops/laptops, tablets or mobiles right from the start.

Our Web Design Process

Our design process follows a proven approach. We begin with a deep understanding of your needs and create a planning template.

Requirement Gathering

Client provide basic details about his/her business & website needs. We get the requirements through the online forms. Once we have the requirement from the client we thoroughly study the requirements and based on it we propose the development specification and cost. The client responds back on the proposal by confirming it. After confirmation we start the Design and development of the Website/Logo/Marketing Collateral etc.



Once the client confirms the proposal BD person passes the scope of the project in the Studio. Studio creates a Home Page for the website. Client confirms the Home Page Design and we start the Inner Page Designs for the Website.


Once the Inner page designs are confirmed by the client we start the front end designing of the website. We start the backend development of the website with reference to the frontend designing.


Launch the Website

We provide the full working preview to the client and if the client confirms that the website can go live, we go live.

Our Services


We think big and have hands in all leading technology platforms to provide you wide array of services.

  • Responsive Web Designing

    Rather than having two separate websites – a desktop & a mobile version – a responsive web design ensures that your website seamlessly adapts to any screen size. We offer custom and responsive web design services in Code Fusion with the aim of creating professional looking & high performing websites.

  • Wordpress Designing

    If you rather use an existing WordPress theme instead of building a bespoke website from scratch then we can help you with it. After understanding your business requirements, we can recommend WordPress themes that fit the bill and customize it to align with your business goals.

  • Static Website Designing

    At Capsicum Mediaworks, we build Static websites (written in plain HTML) as well as Dynamic websites (written using server-side programming language – PHP). Our team of expert web designers ensure that these websites consist of the latest trends & features that’ll give your business a competitive edge.

  • Dynamic CMS Website Designing

    We also offer Corporate and CMS web design services in Code Fusion. The website created by us will reflect your business objectives and offer an enhanced user experience across all platforms. We’ll help you create a website that is user-friendly.

  • PSD to Wordpress Service

    Our highly experienced professionals and wordpress developers make sure that our clients get exactly what they need. The final designs go through a set of cross-browser usability and compatibility tests to ensure that our esteemed clients get a perfect user-friendly website.

  • Website Redesign Service

    Curious about the cost of our web redesign services? Whether you’re looking to create a responsive website to increase leads or update your site to reflect your brand’s image for your target audience, our free Quotation covers everything your company may need with a professional website redesign.

Get In Touch With Us

Anything On your Mind. We’ll Be Glad To Assist You!
